U źródeł gramatyki kultury europejskiej

Henryk Mamzer


Anna Pałubicka in her book titled Grammar of European culture examined two attitudes: the engaged one and the observing one, each of them rooted in different thinking pattern. First The formerone is rooted in the biblical and phenomenological thinking, while whereas the second latter one in the rational thinking (formed in the ancient Greece). Those elements consist form the notion of “culture grammar” – obviously based on the double dualism. This complex system creates a base for specificity of our contemporary culture and results in its dynamism. My The article, while reaching tousing Pałubicka’s concept of culture grammar, aims at emphasizing sources of dualist attitudes and patterns of thinking, rooted in activities of ancient societies. In exceptional a special form, this dualism finds its exemplifications exemplification in Heraclitus’ “Sentences” and Parmenides’ “Poem.” In both of them, one can find proposals are to be found of how to understanding understand the alledgedly idendical identities as heterogenic notions.

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