Zmiany demokracji pod wpływem doktryn ustrojowych oraz idei subsydiarności i dobra wspólnego

Marian Guzek


The author assumes that the main doctrines of politico-economic systems, including that of democracy, have philosophical foundations. In communism, it was a fake democracy called the people’s democracy, whereas in market socialism of the Western type it is social democracy. In classical liberalism there is liberal democracy, viz. that completed with Keynesianism. Neoliberal ideology transformed it into neoliberal democracy. In this system, part of economic and social policy is of the discretionary character facilitating the implementation of anti-statism, tantamount to the reduction and weakening of state functions, and allowing to apply anti-unionist and anti-welfare policy. Ultimately, in the libertarian doctrine there are two main stages: minarchism (minimal state) implemented under the guise of neoliberalism but labelled „radical liberalism” and the target stage in the shape of anarcho-capitalism with the democracy completely eliminated.

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