„Kto się raz przyczynił do używania stalówek, ten gęsich piór nigdy używać nie będzie”. Maszyny jako element codzienności człowieka na łamach „Wędrowca”

Izabela Kaczmarzyk


The article is devoted to the issues of simple machines discourse on the pages of the magazine “Wędrowiec” (“The Wanderer”). “Wędrowiec” was popular magazine with articles about geography, history, world culture and modern technology. It was published in Warsaw in the second half of the nineteenth century. It was a very important historical moment, because the simple machine made a great impact on the life of ordinary people. There was a reason for the editors’ interest of technical inventions and technological processes. Modern technology was fascinating for him, so they believed deeply in scientific progress. They were sure that people who had been opposed to new machines and inventions were not right.

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