Wiedza i nauka ekonomiczna a światowy kryzys finansowy. Filozoficzne spojrzenie na kryzys

Anna Pałubicka


Author: Pałubicka Anna Title: THE ECONOMIC KNOWLEDGE AND THE SCIENCE VERSUS THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. A PHILOSOPHICAL LOOK AT THE CRISIS (Wiedza i nauka ekonomiczna a światowy kryzys finansowy. Filozoficzne spojrzenie na kryzys).
Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2008, vol:.8, number: 2008/1, pages: 97-104 Keywords: GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS, ECONOMIC KNOWLEDGE, POSTMODERNISM Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address):
Abstract The thesis of the paper is that the viewed and dominant analyses of the contemporary financial crisis focus on the nature of reasons while not indicating the causes. What is proposed is the analysis of the activity of banks while using the notions and settlements of the classical political economy. This analysis shows that the crisis in question masks more fundamental feature of postmodernity. It can be expressed as a resign from the classical model of functioning the scientific knowledge and technology linked with the practical activity in favour of the model described by I. Hacking, which is known as “new experimentalism”. The nature of postmodernity then is the expansion of all kinds of the operational knowledge which is connected with a lack of continuation of the theoretical (explanatory and understanding) reflection on a piece of world in which one tries to intervene. There are various consequences of this diagnosis, including the description of postmodernity and postmodernism.

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