Jung i twórcze indywiduum

Grzegorz Grzmot-Bilski


Grzegorz Grzmot-Bilski

Jung and the Creative Individual


The aim of this article is a reconstruction of Jungian process of individuation (initiation), which is existential and civilizational. The paradigm of initiation can be expressed in the formula: suffering, death, resurrection, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The initiation as a spiritual transformation is a prerequisite for the creative development of a human. This article also argues in favor of the thesis that Jungian analytical psychology is essentially a modern version of Christian gnosis. Overcoming the nihilistic and materialistic crisis of Western civilization, according to Jung, is possible only when it returns to the Self and the Christian roots.

Keywords: God, nihilism, mystic, Self, human spirit, individuation, initiation, Christian gnosis, theoglobal civilization, the end of postmodernism, ecumenism, the Holy Spirit, “God lives”.

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