Relacje jednostki z drugim człowiekiem w świetle etyki egzystencjalnej Karla Jaspersa

Daria Trela


Daria Trela

Relations of the Individual and the Other in the Light of Karl Jaspers Existential Ethics


The article is about the ethical aspect of Karl Jaspers’ philosophy. The author analyzes ways in which a person can become oneself at all and also achieve true freedom. According to Jaspers, it is possible only by the means of “jumping” into transcendence, when a human leaves the Dasein (here-and-now) sphere and enters the Selbstein. But the thesis of the article is that existence cannot participate in transcendence alone, without other people. One can achieve it only thanks to existential communication with the Other. That is why it is possible to achieve a peaceful cooperation of nations, which can also lead to real freedom and self-consciousness. What is highlighted in the article is that it is very important for all people, who are at all-time confronted with Jaspers’ five boundary situations: historical definiteness, fight, guilt, suffering, and death.

Keywords: Selbstsein, transcendence, freedom, boundary situations, existential communication.

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