Bycie w identyczności i tożsamości. Próba uchwycenia ontologicznych rozstrzygnięć Martina Heideggera

Jacek Grzybowski


Fr. Jacek Grzybowski

Being in the Identity. An Attempt to Capture Martin Heidegger’s Ontological Decisions


Martin Heidegger is making “being” an essential philosophical issue. Until now “being” remained covered, covered through the existence, in some way “appropriated” by him. Therefore, the history of metaphysics is a progressing occultation of the truth of being. Only a temporariness and the historicalness are a space, thanks to which the Dasein role is staying grasped properly. Dasein is being-in-the-world, and its basic constituting is sticking in temporariness. Western metaphysics wanted to understand being without noticing its temporal character. However, without this horizon grasping “being” isn’t possible. For the German philosopher happening of history is happening of being-in-the-world. Hence identifying way of capturing being and thought is always “involved” into happening and the history. Therefore one should always talk about historicalness of understanding being, about the history of being, about the truth and world as the event. The event is a historical way in which the time and being mutually belong to themselves.

Keywords: Heidegger, identity, happening, Dasein.

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