Ponowoczesny człowiek publiczny i jego markery mentalno-kulturowe

Kazimierz Dziubka


The Postmodern Man and His Mental-Cultural Markers


The article aims to describe the fundamental principles of the postmodern concepts of public life viewed from the perspective of neuroscience and cognitive science. Considering the fact that both systems of theories are focused on the psychobiological aspects of human mind and body and, in consequence, they endeavor to understand and explain the relations between the brain, mind and social environment (sphere), I decided to use this particular assumption as a starting point to analyze such categories as: public man, public sphere, space of life, modern and postmodern normative patterns and heuristic paradigms of relationships between Nature, Society and Culture. As a leading cognitive and interpretative approach I chose the theory of mental and cultural markers based on the somatic marker hypothesis presented by Antonio R. Damasio and the first-person ontology developed by John R. Searle. Ultimately, both concepts are supporting a more extensive and complex approach in explaining the direction of contemporary public debate and its associated expectations to reorganize people’s life in terms of their physical and spiritual needs. The crucial role of the aforementioned changes has the embodied self – a source of unique and everyday experiences that stimulate the thoughts and emotions of men.

Keywords: public man, mental and cultural markers, mapping, second order objectivity, first-person ontology, embodied cognition, forms of life network, open rationality, dwelling, localization, territorialization.

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