W poszukiwaniu metafilozoficznych uwarunkowań koncepcji sfery publicznej Jürgena Habermasa

Andrzej Wawrzynowicz


In Search of Metaphilosophical Determinants of the Notion of Public Sphere Developed by Jürgen Habermas


The article addresses the problem of the role and importance of values for the functioning of the public sphere from a perspective close to the sociology of knowledge – or the philosophy of suspicion. The primary object of discussion is not an analysis of specific value systems determining the sphere, but rather an attempt at reconstructing the historical axiological determinants of the notion itself. In particular, the discussion seeks to explore the initial interpretation of Jürgen Habermas’s notion of public sphere to identify its potential ideological entanglements.

Keywords: Habermas, public sphere, critique of ideology, axiology.

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