Czy uprawianie filozoficznej historii filozofii jest jedyną szansą dla philosophia perennis?

Sabina Kruszyńska


Is the Practice of Philosophical History of Philosophy the only Chance for the Philosophia Perennis?


Both Étienne Gilson and, among Polish philosophers, Stefan Swieżawski developed methods of historical analyses by which, according to particular criteria, it is possible to extract eternal philosophical truths from historical material. These truths, in turn, constitute the “eternal philosophy” or, according to Gilson, “timeless, durable components revealing the diverse achievements of individual philosophers.” the search for eternal truths recognized as the writing of a philosophical history of philosophy should be an adequate and ultimate goal of the historian of philosophy. The article seeks to answer the title question, referring to the so-called critical history which tracks the traces of ontotheology in past and present philosophies. The author claims that various methods used in the critical histories may be considered – paradoxically – as more effective than the classical methods for finding the “eternal truths.”

Keywords: history of philosophy, philosophical history of philosophy, critical history of philosophy, eternal philosophy, Étienne Gilson, Stefan Swieżawski, Michel Foucault.

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