Nauczanie etyki w szkole a bezpieczne życie. Ujęcie Roberta Spaemanna

Ks. Józef Kożuchowski


Józef Kożuchowski

Teaching of Ethics at Schools and the Safe Life, according to Robert Spaemann

The paper tackles the problem of whether Ethics should be taught at schools, following the great German philosopher, moralist, and pedagogue Robert Spaemann. His view coincides with the great classical tradition as personified in Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Kant. Some light is shed on what is essential for the teaching of Ethics for it to be appropriate and fruitful. Hence, several questions arise: the concept of Ethics, its objectives, its purport to be taught and handed on. These are connected with the problems to address: some erroneous theories, such as relativism, utilitarianism, consequentialism, hedonism, biological and sociological reductionism; the problem of how to realize the objectives and how to choose the convenient starting point for teaching. The pivotal importance of whether the Absolute exists is underscored. This importance – according to Spaemann, who follows here the great philosophical tradition – accounts definitely for rationality and loftiness of the moral order. Author’s contribution consists (among other things) in the problem of the safety being outlined and demonstrated to be intrinsically and immediately connected with the teaching of Ethics, which, in turn, is enhanced as reasonable and valuable in the light of the safety-problem.

Keywords: classical philosophy, teaching of Ethics, life fulfilled, the safe life, Spaemann.

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