Akt stwórczy

Stanisław Buda


The Act of Creation

In the first part the author puts together the most important intuitions, which later on will serve as a base for further analysis of the act of creation. One of the theories presumes that the idea which stands as the subject of the aforementioned act is reality. The reality is set up by the same act simultaneously in four dimensions, i.e.: as existence itself; as the individual existence of the whole in which everything that exists participates; as that whole itself; as that whole taken in its individuality. In the second part the author takes up selected topics related to the previously delineated understanding of the act of creation. He puts under analysis, inter alia, the issue of nothingness and the issue of embedment of the act of creation in the nature of the Absolute.

Keywords: the act of creation, the Absolute, existence itself, God, reality.

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