Przeciw segregacji rasowej. Idea nonviolence i jej filozoficzne korzenie w myśli społecznej Martina Luthera Kinga

Michał Urbańczyk


Against racial segregation. Non-violence and its philosophical roots in Martin Luther King’s social thought

The purpose of this article is to explain the essence of one of the most influential ideas in recent US history. The idea of non-violence was one of the foundations of M.L. King’s social and political philosophy. This African American pastor was a leader of a movement fighting against discrimination and racial segregation in the United States. This struggle led by the civil rights movement led to the desegregation and completely changed the face of the United States in the 2nd half of the XXth century. In addition, the article points to the philosophical source and justification, which formed the foundation of M.L. King’s thought.

Keywords: Martin Luther King, non-violence, nonviolent resistance, desegregation, racial segregation, civil rights movement, Mahatma Gandhi, Immanuel Kant.

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