Kooperatyzm Edwarda Abramowskiego wobec liberalizmu i socjalizmu

Katarzyna M. Cwynar


The cooperatism by Edward Abramowski compared with liberalism and socialism

The subject of the article is an analysis of cooperatism formulated by Edward Abramowski against radical vision of a liberal and a socialist society. He rejects the extreme versions of these two proposals as incompatible both with nature for human nature and moral principles. Although liberalism calls for freedom and equality, but only in the formal dimension. Socialism as a dictatorship of the proletariat abolishes the freedom of the individual. Consequently, none of these systems is unable to meet its own declarations. Cooperatism formulated by Abramowski is a social and political system realizing individual predisposition individual living in a relationship with other people. Thus for the idea of the cooperatism he doesn’t quest of a justification neither in a selfish sense entity, nor in idea of society as a whole (totum – totalitarianism). The rationale of the cooperatism is the man as a subject of social, political and cultural action.

Keywords: cooperatism, democracy, individual, creative freedom, morality.

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