Uwagi o rozumieniu wszechmocy Boga u Galileusza. W stronę fenomenologii człowieka sceny

Tadeusz Sierotowicz


Comments about the Meaning of the Omnipotence of God on Galileo. Toward Phenomenology of Man Scene

In this paper the omnipotence of God is considered as a clue in the consideration of one of the aspects of the appearance of the subject creating the modern science, the man of the scene. The discussion finds its inspiration in the comedy put on the stage in the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galilei and leads to the conclusion, that in order to avoid unilateral interpretations of the omnipotence of God the change of its perception by the man of scene is necessary.

Keywords: Galilei, omnipotence of God, the man of scene-the man of drama.

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