Nadzieja Sensu/Sens Nadziei jako metanoia (z) pesymizmu. Introdukcja i zachęta do filozofii „bezbożnego poszukiwacza Boga”– Lwa N. Tołstoja

Michał Płóciennik


The Hope of Sense/the Sense of Hope as Metanoia (a Way out) of Pessimism. Introduction and Encouragement to the Philosophy of Leo N. Tolstoy – ‘an Irreligious God-Seeker’

The modern man is likely to be wanting but in hope; not just a hope, but the hope based on a strong foundation being able, on the one hand, to perceive the real threats and, consequently, to make clear the optimism being insufficient; and, on the other hand, being able to get over far-reaching doubts; being able to explode pessimism in its very self. The search for such a specific perspective is inseparably associated with the aspiration to find the absolute Sense, which alone could justify this search, and, at the same time, mysteriously provoke it. This searching aspiration is the key to the strictly philosophical ‘part’ of the mental legacy of Leo Tolstoy, which is worth being made one of the essential points of reference in the fight of the contemporary man for the hope of sense and the sense of hope.

Keywords: L. Tolstoy, hope, Russian philosophy, meaning/sense, pessimism.

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