Konstruktywizm (społeczny) tak, jak go widzę… Odpowiedź na uwagi Tomasza S. Markiewki oraz Michała Wróblewskiego

Michał Rydlewski


Michał Rydlewski

(Social) Contructivism as I See It… A Reply to Tomasz S. Markiewka and Michał Wróblewski


The article is a reply to the comments of Tomasz S. Markiewka and Michał Wróblewski about my previous text entitled The cultural dimension of postconstructivism in the perspective of Anna Pałubicka’s ‘Grammar of European culture’. I provide some argunents about the differences between social constructivism and postconstructivism, also discussing the similarities. The main idea is to present my own, very Polish model of social constructivism which comprises the theory of thought styles and thought collectives by Ludwik Fleck and the Poznań school of theory of culture, mainly theses of Anna Pałubicka and Andrzej P. Kowalski. In that perspective I believe we should not eliminate “social” from constructivism.

Keywords: Anna Pałubicka, Andrzej P. Kowalski, Michał Wróblewski, Ludwick Flack, Bruno Latour, constructivism, postconstructivism, culture.

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